Friends of Bruce is the public information component of the Bruce Center for Energy Research Information (BCERI), a not-for-profit company founded by a group of local residents and property-holders in the community of Inverhuron, Ontario, Canada.

This fasciated dandelion is one of a slew of mutated dandelions that appeared in the area one year. It embodies our concern for what could happen to the beautiful natural environment that we call home.
We wanted to give Inverhuron residents a space to speak for themselves – to share our experiences of living in the shadow of the world’s largest nuclear generating station.
Our major concern at the moment is the deep ground repository for nuclear waste that OPG proposes to build on the campus of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Facility, within 1km of Lake Huron.
Here are three recent documents (and one map!) highlighting current aspects of that struggle:
- The Need for Collecting Current Health Data on the Bruce community
- Issues in Relicensing the Bruce Nuclear Generating Facility
- An in-depth case study of how the Joint Review process has worked
- A map showing the various nuclear facilities surrounding the Great Lakes
We also maintain a collection of articles, news stories, research, legal documents, and public reports about the practices of the nuclear industry.
You may or may not be directly connected to Inverhuron via the streams, rivers, lakes and aquifers which flow to and from the Great Lakes and comprise much of the watershed east of the Great Divide. You may or may not be connected to Bruce County by westerly winds that flow over Lake Huron, the nuclear plant and its radioactive waste incinerator, and into southwestern Ontario and the eastern United States. But regardless of geography, when it comes to the pursuit of clean, renewable (profitable) supplies of energy in the US and Canada, or anywhere in the world, we hope that you will become one of the “Friends of Bruce”.